the messy middle isn't the problem

Ever bought a flat pack piece of furniture with NO INSTRUCTIONS included?
Yeah, me too.
Which would probably be okay if the assembly of said piece of furniture was obvious - and if I wasn't a furniture assembly dummy.
Don't even get me started on y'all that can cook a meal by instinctively JUST THROWING SHIT TOGETHER - instead of requiring a step by step (by step) recipe. With pictures. And a video. I truly envy your special talent.
Alright now….I'm not gonna make a cliche segue & tell you that growing a business requires one specific recipe or a formulaic instruction manual. BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE SILLY.
There is a problem though, and it starts here:
In business, there is what's called THE MESSY MIDDLE. It's the gap that inevitably exists between where we are right now (POINT A), and where we want to be (POINT B).
But the messy middle itself, isn't the problem. We'll actually spend most of our time in our businesses smack bang in the messy middle, navigating all sorts of stuff.
THE PROBLEM is that on a daily basis we are INUNDATED with so many hacks, tricks, tips, silver bullets…from all sorts of people we follow - social media experts, coaches, other photographers, more social media experts, etc.
Which is ok, and works for some messy-middle-things, until it doesn't. And eventually (if it hasn't already happened) we inevitably GET STUCK.
WHY? Because if you want to build a dresser from IKEA (the “dresser” being whatever it is you're trying to navigate in your business) - BUT you're trying to build it SOLEY from bits & pieces of all those people's content…
it'll feel like trying to build the dresser with a manual that's been ripped up into 10000 pieces and thrown all over the neighbourhood.
AND THEN WHAT HAPPENS, is that our default as humans is then to question ourselves, our enough-ness, our ability to market our beautiful businesses, HECK we even question our work - & WE DON'T question the torn up pieces of manual.
And that makes the messy middle feel really fucking uncomfortable. Overwhelming. Confusing. Frustrating.
Sometimes? You just really need to build your dresser with a manual. 
Yes, sure it'll give you a solid direction, & a step by step - which is amazing! - but most importantly you'll have the CONTEXT & SUPPORT you need to build YOUR dresser quickly and efficiently.
Because it is. Get comfy there. ‘Coz it’s where we're pushed to the edges of comfort zones, with no other choice but to fck around and FIGURE SHIT OUT. To go on a journey-of-personal-discovery that none of us asked for, but actually reallllllly needed.
And if your messy middle currently looks like: being fed up with embodying ‘run-of-the-mill service provider’ with marketing burnout who's TIRED, oh so tired, of the random advice out there for content, marketing, & actually selling your stuff?
And you're so fcking READY to lead your BRAND, & build a loyal, invested COMMUNITY around that brand, & get TF out of feast/famine mode???
Then I've got a manual for you. But NOT the one-size-fits all kind.
IMHO, trying to fit someone else's formulaic plan into your unique capacity is a one-way ticket to burnout. You won't be asked to use my exact process for anything – instead, you’ll walk away with a plan for your brand, content & marketing that’s all your own.
We’ll work together to curate a FLOW for showing up that matches your business *AND YOUR LIFE*, so you can maintain real momentum, real results, & actually wake up & be EXCITED to lead your brand.
I'd love to invite you to join the Curate & Grow waitlist.
It's time to get your brand house in order.